Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Welcome to Paradise"

After an 8 hour layover and a 12 hour flight via Paris, I arrived safely to my new home on the tiny African island of Mauritius. I didn’t arrive alone though. To my surprise I boarded a plane full of European travellers, primarily French tourists who bear this long flight, flocking to the beautiful beaches I keep hearing about.  Upon arrival, the flocks of Parisian tourists are presented with flowers and then whisked away at the arrival gate to their respective resorts tucked away on the northern shores of the island to enjoy their picture perfect paradise.
Walking through the arrivals gate, I look up to see a big colourful sign which reads “Welcome to Paradise”.  I take a deep breath and wonder if this island will hold the paradise life I’ve always dreamed about.

The reality of my situation sets in about an hour later when I’m met by the program representative and our driver. Our bags are thrown on the back of a pickup truck and away we go. We drive through narrow dirt roads, shanty houses made of tin metal, clothes lines strung to dry and stray dogs roaming around on streets. I knew I would be living in less than modern accomodations, but here I was about to start a new chapter in a place I knew very little about. It all kind of hit me very hard and there wasn’t time to even stop and absorb it all. Looking out the truck window, I see no signs of foreigners, tourists, familiar franchises, or anything that I could relate to. We were told that we’d be going to the offices to meet people there in a hour. After two days of travel, all I really wanted to do was pass out but we had just enough time to have a cold shower and off we went.
Needless to say, coming here has been a bit of adjustment to my Canadian comfort way of living. I’m awoken in the mornings either by the sound of the loud generator outside my room, the barking of dogs from every side, roosters crowing, the tenants using the toilet above my room or the morning call for prayer from the nearby mosque – often it’s a combination of two or more things. We drink only bottled water and hot water is a considered a luxury if you can manage to find the right time frame in which the water is at the ideal pressure and temperature.

Port Louis (capital city) - I dont live here

On our second day we (my roommate and I) ventured out of our home and walked the streets of our neighbourhood hoping to get a better grasp of where we lived. After walking several blocks we hopped on a bus to the capital city of Port Louis which is about a 45 minute bus ride on a good day. The bus system in Mauritius is quite simple. You take the bus in the direction you want, but beware since there are no time schedules. You simply read the canvas paper on the front which indicates where the bus going. Interestingly enough, on each bus there is the driver and another man just to take your money and give you a bus ticket. Not much was open was today as it is the "indentured labourers" day holiday in recognition of the Indo-Mauritians who were brought to Mauritius as "slaves".

Few interesting bits of information about my new home.  There’s some electrical device in my room meant to attract and kill mosquitoes. You put in this piece of something, turn it on and there's a high pitched noise and some awful smell - somehow it's supposed to kill the mosquitoes. I’ve resorted to keeping the windows closed at night – for security as well as to keep any creepy insects or lizards  from coming into my room. Also, milk, eggs and some cheeses are not bought refrigerated. I am still not certain why or how that works. To recharge my mobile phone, you just go into any corner store and give them your phone number and poof, you get a text confirming the additional of phone credits. Also, I still have yet to get internet connection at home which is becoming a real source of frustration.
Where is this paradise that I’ve heard about - I’m looking forward to seeing it for myself, but in the meantime.....where’s my bug spray?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there to kill those bugs for you Hoda joon! :P
